News Releases
CAST urges retailers to promote inclusivity and accept all modes of payment this holiday season
Despite the extremely low risk of COVID-19 transmission through the handling of currency, some retailers continue to discourage or outright refuse cash as a payment method
Montreal, Quebec, December 8, 2020 – As businesses, consumers and communities continue to struggle with the second wave of the pandemic, the Canadian Association of Secured Transportation (CAST) urges retailers to accept cash as a form of payment. > Continued
Electronic Payments are the Biggest Problem as Fraud Continues to Rise
Cash is Key to Counterbalance Explosive Problem
Bank of Canada Study Finds Canadians Not Going Cashless
Consumers Continue to Use a Variety of Payment Methods
CAST welcomes the INSPQ’s recommendations on the acceptability of cash payments
No documented cases of COVID-19 transmission by banknotes
Montreal, Quebec, July 8, 2020 – The Canadian Association of Secured Transportation (CAST) welcomes the latest recommendations from the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) to the effect that cash transactions are acceptable by stores and businesses. > Continued
OPEN LETTER: Restricting the free circulation of cash hurts society’s most vulnerable
Open letter: We Need to End the Practice of Cash-shaming: Cash is Vital to the Economy and Safer to Touch Than Cards
In response to continued misinformation about the cleanliness of cash and the refusal by businesses to accept it, the Canadian Association of Secured Transportation (CAST) issued the following open letter:
COVID-19: Currency Poses No Greater Risks Than Bank Cards or Mobile Phones
Montreal, QC, May 6, 2020 – The Canadian Association of Secured Transportation (CAST) released the following statement in response to the continued refusal by many retailers across Canada to accept cash as a method of payment due to fears of COVID-19 transmission. > Continued
Cash matters – now, more than ever, in the time of coronavirus
Open letter: Refusing cash means hitting the wrong target
In response to the refusal by some businesses to accept cash payments, the Canadian Association of Secured Transportation (CAST) issued the following open letter.